Florestan Martin-Baillon
Since September 2022 I am a postdoc at the IRMAR in Rennes, working with Serge Cantat and Christophe Dupont.
Before that, I gratuated with a PhD in mathematics, supervised by Bertrand Deroin at the laboratory AGM at Cergy-Pontoise University.
I'm interested in geometrical and dynamical aspects of groups. In particular, I study spaces of deformations of subgroups of linear groups, using techniques from complex dynamics.
I can be contacted at florestan.martinbaillon (at) gmail.com
Dynamics on Markov surfaces: classification of stationary measures
(with Serge Cantat and Christophe Dupont)
preprint on arXiv,
recorded talk (in French)
Gap between Lyapunov exponents for Hitchin representations
(with Matteo Costantini)
preprint on arXiv
Lyapunov exponents and stability properties
of higher rank representations
preprint on arXiv
Dominating CAT(-1) surface group representations by Fuchsian ones
Geometriae Dedicata,
preprint on arXiv
Lecture groups
Groupes et algèbres de Lie (Rennes, 2025)
Phénomènes de rigidité en dynamique homogène (Rennes, 2023-2024)
Lecture dirigée: la quartique de Klein (Rennes, 2025)
Lecture dirigée: dynamique complexe (Rennes, 2024)
Mapping class goup dynamics on character varieties (Rennes, 2023)
Version française